Tuesday, June 19, 2007
so i dont like to write about work too much, just cause its not kosher (or something).. but i couldn't resist.
sometimes i have a bit of down time or just time when i'm doing basic tasks where i get bored pretty quickly and my mind starts wandering. there's not too much in the office to keep my interest or that's good to daydream about... from my desk i can see (1) the printer - not exciting; (2) the mailboxes, but i'd have to turn to the right three quarters of the way around - and plus, they're not worth they effort; and (3) about two feet of the top part of the far tannish greyish blah wall - terrible.
anyway, the point is that today i got lucky and happened upon two words that gave me material for at least 20 minutes, if not more. and i'm still thinking about is, so that's like HOURS of entertainment. don't judge too harshly, remember what i was working with. those amazing two words of inspiration were: LOBSTER GRAM!
lobster gram! the name of a company specializing in... what else? lobster grams! like a telegram, but with lobster! originally i imagined the singing telegrams.. but with people dressed up like lobsters, singing sea shanties. but nate squashed my creativity only to find out that they actually
do send lobsters in the mail... alive! "
the fastest way to send a lobster"ahhh, the things that amuse me.
in other animal-related news, jeremy sent me this news story: "
rampaging rooster attacks girl".
"Rockadoodle Two had knocked the 27-pound girl flat on her belly and was pummeling her with beak, claws and blue-black wings. "He was beating the crap out of her," said her mother, Lori Current, 27. "A freaking rooster, you know?"
hah. the whole story is hilariously written (aside from the fact some poor kid got her ass kicked by Rockadoodle).
"[Rooster rampaging] does not appear to be epidemic," said Tarpon Springs Police Sgt. Jeffrey Young."
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8:15 PM
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