Friday, November 16, 2007
i am so disgusted
i don't usually post "serious" stuff, but this was so awful, i feel that it needs to be spread:
nobodylikesonions.com1. Fake Myspace Account? Check!
2. False pictures and posts to trick your 13-yr-old daughter's friend into thinking a cute boy likes her? Check!
3. Spread false rumors to the community about your daughter’s friend after the friend had enough being treated like shit and ended their teenage friendship? Check!
4. Full knowledge that your daughter's friend is mentally unstable and on mind altering drugs for this problem? Check!
5. Telling your daughter's friend to go kill herself after ruining her reputation and using the fake account to do it? The fake account of the only boy who liked her? Check!
6. Saying that you don't feel very guilty after your daughter's friend hangs herself? Check and Mate! information.
Labels: links, serious
12:58 PM
link it!